Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Irfan, What if you are not a professional writer?

Irfan, you receive this message because you signed up for my "4 Day Ebook Ecourse" a while ago. To leave my tips, see info below this message. =================================== Hi again Irfan, Writing articles or online content for your website isn't something that comes naturally, so you're not alone. Most people – even creative writers – get that from time to time. (Authors call it "writer's block".) But what can you do to create content if you're not a professional writer? Here are 5 videos that will take you through a number of different options that will have you creating lots of useful content without having to slave away over a keyboard for hours on end. Check them out here: http://www.ebooks-made-easy.com/likes/notawriter.htm Best regards, Dirk Dupon mailto:editor@ebooks-made-easy.com PS: If you are on Facebook or Twitter, please take a second to join my Ebook Giveaway at Thunderclap: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/12128-secret-of-making-money-online Thanks a lot! ============================

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