Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Irfan, This handy tool will explode your online sales...

Irfan, you receive this message because you signed up
for my "4 Day Ebook Ecourse" a while ago. To leave my tips,
see info below this message.

Hi again Irfan,

In the old days of online marketing, you had to create/buy a
product, set up a website/salespage, and create a landing page
-with a signup form- to build an email list that you use to send
out news, tips and promotional messages.

It all takes a lot of time to get it all right... especially when you
run things yourself, as it is your job being a boss, aka graphic
designer, copywriter, support, sales and marketing guy :)

Yes, there are many handy tools that can make your life easier,
for example; using an autoresponder system, or outsourcing
graphic design, copywriting, etc...

But now you can use the Social Suite platform to do all this:

Go check it out, and see what this amazing online platform
can do to make your life soooo much easier...

Best regards,

Dirk Dupon


Ebooks Made Easy, Gapaardstr 15, Bruges, w-vl 8000, Belgium

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